Here are a few photos of some young harlequin quail born from my breeding this spring 2020.
NB: For this season I have kept only three breeding pairs.
Harlequin quail chicks, October 2019
First hybrid chick between Japanese quail and Harlequin quail
Harlequin quail x European quail hybrids, young birds 2 months old
Harlequin quail (Coturnix delegorguei) breeding birds, 2019
Harlequin quail x European quail hybrids chicks, born June 2019
Successful hybridization between a pure male of harlequin quail (Coturnix delegorguei) and a pure female of european quail (Coturnix coturnix).
This hybridization was not so easy to achieve because the females of European quail lay few eggs and are often aggressive against their male.
These chicks were born on June 22th, 2019.
Later I will post pictures of them when they will have reached their final size and adult colouration.