Chinese painted quail (Coturnix chinensis) block of breeding cages

This breeding cage facility makes it possible to hold up to 54 trio’s of Chinese painted  quail (Coturnix chinensis)
They were specially designed by me for this species after several years of tests.
I build those three first blocks in the year 2012.
I made some minor changes over the years and still use them now because the final result is great and I am very satisfied.

  • Thanks to the large 40 cm feeder with anti-waste grid, the birds are fed once a week
  • They have continuous water through a constant level automatic watering system connected to a 1000 litre tank.
  • The birds are walking on 0,5 cm wire mesh so that they always have their feet dry and away from their excrement.
  • Large aluminium drawers allow easy and quick cleaning
  • The block is leaning against a wall, the orientation is south, the roof protects the birds from the rain.

The animals stay all year in these cages, without problems.